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General Events Fable


Chronicler sighed with barely noticeable regret and reached for a snow-white pen. For many months he kept at the ready supply of pens and fresh parchment, knowing that sooner or later will have to take his rightful place: between the present and the future, the guardian of the past, on the threshold of eternity, on the side of the Chosen Ones...
Almost a year has passed since Russia Universe changed: new roads have been laid to previously unknown lands, new portals invited brave soldiers into other dimensions, wonderful ships sail above the clouds to the mysterious Gracia continent. Flags on the newly built fortresses fluttered in the wind. People met on the squares of new towns, new friendship started in taverns over a mug of young ale. On the battlefields grew a new feud. Masters forged previously unseen weapons, magicians were doing untold spells, warriors tightly clutched sparkling enchanted swords. The same ancient world was young again, beautiful and desperate, as those young warriors and mages, that joined now the Academies founded by old respected clans,as newly born Kamael race, hurrying to catch up with the rest of the way to fame and fortune.
And in this updated world there was no place to the old evil, so petty and insignificant, it simply dissolved therein without trace. But there was no place for the old heroes as well. Have sunk into oblivion demon Loki, insidious Gelatess, evil Arhigrael, and with them the noble Captain DePart, illustrious knight Elvion, rat chief Shiflen... Their evil deeds and exploits are in the past and went to hundreds of faded scrolls in the library of Chronicler ...
There was only himself, though there was no need in him: talented Chosen Ones wrote themselves the New Time Chronicle, creating a heroic epic masterpieces, keeping a record of the feudal lords and society column. Yet the world is so ordered, that the Chronicler has not disappeared, so he knew: moment will come when he will have to intervene in the course of events. That moment has come ...
Chronicler dipped the pen in gold paint and gently put the title of the new story:

Energy Keepers

For many centuries, the mysterious energy substance feeds our world, allowing all living creatures toexist, filling the souls of sentient beings, accumulating in them, like the juice in a growing fruit. At all times, whether it was flourishing of Good or domination of Evil, Energy has consistently remained where she lived, because she has always been an invaluable and inviolable. But times are changing: in worlds torn by endless war between good and evil, such a force could not remain intact. And the first who violated the sanctity of Energy was the Legion - dark force who wished to draw the powerful substance into an invincible weapon, which could not withstand neither the most powerful army, nor the deadly power of magic, nor the intolerable light of the priestly prayer...
Fortunately, I was able in time to learn about the evil designs of the Legion and the Chosen Ones still have a chance to tip the scales on the side of good.
To my call for help first to respond were three Chosen Ones: prophetess Assiya, dark knight Seoras and warrior Ignotus. It is by Asiya, whose mind is pure and mobile, as the waters of a mountain stream, I was able to learn more about the impending danger. Looking into the near future, the prophetess told me a lot:
... of magical stones that increase strength and magical abilities of their owners (events " Pandora Bracelets ")...
... of powerful beings that will penetrate into our world, carrying the incredible accumulation of Energy (events " Dark Reapers ")...
... about the endless intrigues of the Legion, sending spies to find the coveted substance (events "Spies of the Legion")...
...  about the mysterious ancient artefacts to store energy from time immemorial, that Chosen Ones should seek worldwide (events "Artefacts")...
... on countless hordes of soldiers of the Legion, which will attack the towns, seeking to harness the Energy buy a heinous murder (events "Attack of the Legion")...
... of inexhaustible sources of Energy, that will open in the most remote places of our world, and for which Chosen Ones would have to endlessly fight (events "Perennial Source")...
... about the rising powers of the Legion, based in outposts emerging everywhere  (events "Legion Outpost")...
After hearing about the impending darkness, the noble knight Seoras volunteered to lead the forces of the Chosen Ones in the fight against the Legion. Prophetess Assiya has promised to continue to direct its actions. But Ignotus was slow to offer help, from what I have concluded that the warrior pursues its own hidden agendas. Permeated with a grain of salt to him, I tried to hide from him the most important information, but he is still worth a watch out: i don't know what he was able to to find out? Perhaps he has already gone over to the Legion, tempted by the rare and valuable rewards that they promise to their allies. The fool! What is the use of temporary advantages if the world is going to collapse? And the Legion, would it be able to play fair?..
However, I have gained two invaluable allies, and this is a lot, though not enough to win.Now it's up to you, Chosen Ones, it's your turn to join in the Great War...

RPG Persons

Prophetess Assiya

This powerful prophetess was a regular preacher of Einhasad and has long served as Court Magician in one of the castles, opening at the behest of Lord magic portals for the fighters of the ruling clan. When her prophetic abilities revealed, she left the service and went to the Temple of Eva in Heine, where for many years se perfected her gift. Now her mind exists outside of time and space, she is able to look into the most distant corners of the universe, ?plunge into the past or the future, and also to see what is hidden in the hearts of the Chosen Ones.
She agreed to help in the fight against the Legion, using her unique gift to anticipate the actions of the enemy. Also, thanks to the skills obtained in the castle service, she will be able to open magic portals to quickly move the Chosen ones to battle sites.
Knight Seoras

Troublemaker and rebel, Seoras known to the world as the great disturber of the peace, and the instigator of various uprisings. However, wearing the honorary title of Knight, this warrior is not without nobility and generosity, for which he was forgiven many excesses.
Found out about the insidious plans of the Legion, Seoras immediately responded to the call of the Chronicler for help. Possessing excellent martial art Seoras Knight will lead the combined forces of the Chosen Ones to protect Energy in the name of Good.
Legionnaire Ignotus

About this mysterious warrior is little known: only that he comes from a fabulously wealthy family, related to the royalty. It is also unknown what led him to the side of the Legion, but, most of all, all the fault of his boundless ambition.
Sometimes he appears in the world, to lure the Chosen Ones on the side of the Legion, offering them valuable, but forbidden gifts.
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